Energy savings in the retort

Axitherm reduces the consumption of retort energies for pasteurisation or sterilisation while preserving PU / F0 and productivity.

Reduction of instant steam requirements

Limitation of compressed air injections

Improvement of cooling efficiency

Energy savings opportunity

Save the various energies consumed in autoclave by revisiting the thermal processes and regulation parameters.
The operation of a retort workshop is most often the result of a story, with grouping of equipment, modifications to the energy networks (steam, compressed air and cooling water), mix of models, creation of recipes and changes of packaging. So, many natural evolutions which may no longer correspond to the initial writing of the program. Hence a slow but certain drift in productivity associated with an increase in consumed energies.
Axitherm re-writes the schedules in accordance with the current capacities of the workshop, which instantly results in a reduction in retort steam consumption and sometimes even in productivity gains. At this step, it is also possible to eliminate deformation troubles or over-cooking aspects of your produces

montage photo eco energie

Methodology of energy savings operation

Evaluation of the autoclave workshop:
– with the usual schedule: identification of steam, compressed air and water consumption on a fully loaded autoclave.
– Recording of the parameters of the various regulations.
Test phase:
– 1 to 3 changes to the programme with a partial load.
– Possible adjustments to the regulation settings.
Validation of the optimised schedule:
– Verification of the correct industrial operation of the new schedule.
– Calculation of the percentage of savings achieved on a full autoclave.
Evaluation of energy networks:
– study of the boiler and the steam network
– examination of the compressor and the compressed air network
– observation of the cooling tower and the water network

Commitments with energy savings in the retort

Rapid implementation of changes: 1 to 2 days per schedule.
Submission of a full report on the changes made and proposed, including
– the percentage of gains obtained during the intervention
– the percentage of possible additional gains following investments (network modifications, addition of equipment, etc.).
Verification of the F0 or UP for any programme modification.
Guaranteed integrity of your packaging.
Advice on optimised programme writing for the creation of your future recipes.

Further information:
